I am very sorry Meta this to you, Dr Broadly. This is not only an insult but also unfair. They did the same thing to me and you inspired me to write a story about it. Thank you for sharing your sad experience. This story is very important for awareness especially for readers, writers, editors, and curators on Medium.com and Substack.com.

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Wow, like Dr. Mehmet, you share a wealth of information in one post.

I appreciate that, but it also puts me in overload as to what to read next!!!

As far as FB goes, they’ve been censoring hard since Covid.

I don’t have any proof FB is connected to any medical overlord. nor do I care to obtain any, but there is without a doubt an agenda to keep people sick.

Keep writing!

It’s biz baby!!!

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I stopped bothering linking writing to FB, LinkedIn or X, and gave up my X account and LinkedIn account. Only FB remains and I could easily dump that, and in fact just may. My family and actual friends know how to find me.

Not surprised either with what FB did. It could be about the $$ for them if they believe something you are writing might harm or anger a paying customer in the medical field. Don't be too quick to disavow that possibility. With these companies it's "all about the money".

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Couldn't agree more

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I didn't know this happened. Social media proves to be favoring more rubbish contents than this important topic.

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Thank you for writing this important story Dr @Mike Broadly 🙏

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It is absolutely ridiculous, indeed. I have (had) to Facebook accounts, a personal and my brand one. One day they suspended my personal one and stop me from having access to the other because they said my Instagram account doesn't follow their rules. Even though they say you can appeal their decision it is not true, as there's no link to do so, or a human being to talk to. Although I miss some of the things on Facebook, it hasn't actually changed anything for me. Everybody I talk to is also in other platforms and I feel I have more time for what really matters.

As you said, they really need to look into who they are talking to and clearing up their contradictory messages. I hope things turn out well for you in the end.

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I have had similar experiences, to the point to where I feel I'm now shadowbanned on X. I don't really use FB anymore, except for groups. You might want to look into posting your stories in groups. Of all the free promotions I do for my writings, FB groups have always had the best returns.

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I had a similar experience of them removing a few of my posts.

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